John Freeman is known as a man that leads by example. He is known as a man that works more and listens carefully ensuring that execution is as important as planning and conceptualization. John leads by inspiring with his charismatic manners that contributes to not only his success but also the success of his team. While others are sitting around a table talking about what should be done, John is working behind the scenes and quietly accomplishing major projects and objectives.
Here is a list of some of John's Accomplishments:
- John pushed the city to address its high nitrate issue in its drinking water. Soon we will be importing water from the County’s water board treatment plants. Higher quality water and eliminates fines from the EPA.
- John helped the city implement the new sewer line to the Hollister treatment plant. Also eliminates fines from the EPA.
- John invited two Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide highspeed broadband for both the city and the county at a lower cost.
- John implanted a pavement management system and the city has repaved many of its roads. Used SB1 and Measure G money to do this.
- John had a joint powers agreement implemented with the school district to open the basketball and Volleyball courts at San Juan School.
- John authored the city's Code of Ethics for our officials and led our council in adopting them, to improve transparency.
- John helped pass the Cannabis Tax for our city to improve our incredibly poor tax base.
- John championed the anti-plastics shopping bag ban
- John passed a no-smoking ordinance in exterior eating areas (patios) in San Juan Bautista restaurants.
- John introduced and passed a statute implementing a California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Act, allowing us to lower the price of bidding for construction projects.
- John strived to make sure the City of San Juan Bautista council is active and guided the city to improve its aging infrastructure with a positive agenda. John will continue this work at the county level, propelling our county towards more prosperity, while also ensuring that it retains its rural and agricultural charm.
I would appreciate your vote in this election on March 5, 2024. - John Freeman